Weiterbildung „Digitalisieren oder Transformieren?“ – Anmeldeschluss 21.01.2025
Bis zum 21.01.2025 können sich Interessierte noch zum ersten Kurs in unserer Reihe zum Thema "Key Skills für die Digitale Transformation" anmelden.
Bis zum 21.01.2025 können sich Interessierte noch zum ersten Kurs in unserer Reihe zum Thema "Key Skills für die Digitale Transformation" anmelden.
Erfolgreicher Abschluss des Digitaltags 2024 - Danke an alle Teilnehmenden!
Nehmen Sie an unserer Befragung teil und gestalten Sie aktiv unsere neue Community of Practice (CoP) zu KI mit!
Am 6. November 2024 findet in Kaiserslautern ein Digitaltag statt. Dieser wird in Kooperation mit dem Mittelstand Digital-Zentrum Kaiserslautern durchgeführt.
Im Januar 2024 geht es los mit unserem neuen ITA-Podcast „Technologie und Arbeit auf die Ohren“. Begleiten Sie unsere beiden Mitarbeiterinnen Tanja Gebauer und Dana Wolf dabei, Themenbereiche wie Digitalisierung, Inklusion, Nachhaltigkeit und Pflege näher zu beleuchten.
Free version available Learning: Beginner various links under further information WHAT IS AI? AI is a rapidly advancing field focused on automating and augmenting human intelligence to solve problems. Some common examples of AI applications include digital assistants like Siri or Alexa, recommendation systems used by Netflix and Amazon, self-driving cars, and chess-playing computers that [...]
Free version available Learning: Advanced www.learningapps.org WHAT IS LearningApps? LearningApps.org is a free Web 2.0 platform and enables teachers to create and manage multimedia learning modules in an attractive form online with little effort. In addition to common task types such as assignment exercises or crossword puzzles, the authoring tool offers around twenty other task [...]
Free version available Learning: Intermediate www.learningsnacks.de WHAT IS Learning Snacks? Learning Snacks allows learners to learn in small chunks. The learning snacks are structured like a messenger chat. Information can be processed and can be loosened up again and again with quizzes. This microlearning enables learning material to be broken down into small and short [...]
Free version available Learning: Intermediate www.quizlet.com WHAT IS Quizlet? With Quizlet, you can create flashcards, use these flashcards for practice and play learning games with these flashcards. A flashcard always consists of the front, the term, and the back, the definition. This app is particularly good for practising technical terms from the learners' everyday professional [...]
The BELVEDERE LTTA at TU Graz is coming to an end. This week alone, 12 videos and 76 audio recordings were done for the MOOC, with partners from Germany, Austria, Spain and Scotland. Now it's time for post-production. Besides that we almost finalized our Toolbox, which will be published on our website in a few [...]