
Februar 2023


2024-04-29T13:08:09+02:009. Februar, 2023|

Free version available Learning: Beginner WHAT IS WhatsDo? WhatsDo is a small but solid tool, that guides you through the process of decision making. It makes you reflecting on your choices, the criterias regarding that specific choice and how important they are in relation to others. It then shows you graphically, how good your [...]

Choice Pro

2024-04-29T13:07:49+02:008. Februar, 2023|

Free version available Learning: Beginner Google Play WHAT IS Choice Pro? ChoicePro is a small but solid tool, that guides you through the process of decision making. It helps you to reflect on your choices, the criteria regarding that specific choice and how important they are in relation to others. It then shows you on [...]


2024-04-29T13:20:17+02:008. Februar, 2023|

No free version available Learning: Intermediate WHAT IS stepnova? Ergovia Stepnova is a documentation software for vocational education, that serves the purpose of documenting of basic information and storage of files. Furthermore it supports the assessment of work performance, identification of educational needs and steps that need to be taken. It allows professionals to [...]


2024-04-29T13:19:58+02:008. Februar, 2023|

Free version available Learning: Intermediate WHAT IS alfaview? AlfaView is a video conferencing tool, that has an explicit focus on data protection and following European data regulations. Companies and organisations benefit from the fact that AlfaView has a “room concept”, so it is a virtual illustration of an office, in which you can create [...]

easy feedback

2024-04-29T13:19:38+02:008. Februar, 2023|

Free version available Learning: Intermediate WHAT IS easy feedback? Easy-Feedback is an online survey tool that makes it relatively easy to create your own surveys. These can be anonymised or personalised. In addition, there are already some templates. Possible areas of application: Employee surveys, surveys of participants/clients, feedback from internship companies and employers, quizzes [...]


2024-04-29T13:17:46+02:008. Februar, 2023|

Free version available Learning: Beginner WHAT IS TaskCards? TaskCards offers multiple digital boards and has a wide range of use cases. It can be used to store educational content that can be made available to clients in any place and at any time. Furthermore, it offers the possibility for remote teamwork, as well as [...]

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