
Februar 2023


2024-04-29T13:14:30+02:0010. Februar, 2023|

Free version available Learning: Intermediate www.kahoot.com WHAT IS Kahoot? It is a game-based learning platform with a fun and interactive approach free of charge. You can create evaluations of any subject like in a quiz with the objective of engaging the users by playing. It can be also used to organise debates, deliver presentations or [...]


2024-04-29T13:13:51+02:009. Februar, 2023|

Free version available Learning: Intermediate www.trello.com WHAT IS Trello? It is an online tool that helps to manage projects, organise workflows and track tasks with visual boards in a collaborative way. From the big milestones until the day-to-day tasks of working together, Trello allows the users to share any type of files (videos, photos, links, [...]


2024-04-29T13:13:27+02:009. Februar, 2023|

Free version available Learning: Beginner www.starsweb.info WHAT IS STARS? STARS (School Transition to Adult Responsibilities and Services) is a website with information and resources for young people and their families/ caregivers. The content is related to the transition of leaving school and moving into adult life. The website stems from a project involving five partners [...]


2024-04-29T13:12:33+02:009. Februar, 2023|

Free version available Learning: Intermediate www.mindmeister.com WHAT IS MindMeister? MindMeister is an online mind mapping application that allows its users to visualise, share and present their thoughts via the cloud". These mindmaps can be shared publicly or others can be invited to collaborate. Changes can be tracked in real time. In addition, there are various [...]

Microsoft ToDo

2024-04-29T13:12:12+02:009. Februar, 2023|

Free version available Learning: Beginner www.todo.microsoft.com WHAT IS Micosoft ToDo? To Do is a digital to-do list. With To Do, you can create task lists in a variety of different ways. You can either use predefined lists or create your own lists to keep track of things, for example if you have different areas that [...]


2024-04-29T13:09:54+02:009. Februar, 2023|

Free version available Learning: Intermediate www.padlet.com WHAT IS Padlet? "Padlet" provides digital whiteboards with various templates on which texts, pictures, videos, links, voice recordings, screen recordings and drawings can be stored. Collaborative work can be done on the boards and every change or edit on a pinboard can be followed live. A Padlet Board can [...]


2024-04-29T13:09:07+02:009. Februar, 2023|

Free version available Learning: Beginner www.miro.com WHAT IS Miro? Miro is an online whiteboard that can be used collaboratively. Its features include simple brainstorming, mindmaps, diagrams, structured evaluation discussions, flowcharts, activities for events etc. Through countless shared templates from Miro and its users, you can be inspired and adapt them to your own needs without [...]


2024-04-29T13:08:26+02:009. Februar, 2023|

Free version available Learning: Beginner www.todoist.com WHAT IS todoist? Todoist is a collaborative task-and project management tool to organise and visualise to-do lists. It saves time by a simple assignment of tasks, especially when it involves multiple clients, colleagues and/or teams. EXAMPLES As we simultaneously work across many different (sub-)teams, Todoist cuts out a lot [...]

Choice Pro

2024-04-29T13:07:49+02:008. Februar, 2023|

Free version available Learning: Beginner Google Play WHAT IS Choice Pro? ChoicePro is a small but solid tool, that guides you through the process of decision making. It helps you to reflect on your choices, the criteria regarding that specific choice and how important they are in relation to others. It then shows you on [...]


2024-04-29T13:19:58+02:008. Februar, 2023|

Free version available Learning: Intermediate www.alfaview.com WHAT IS alfaview? AlfaView is a video conferencing tool, that has an explicit focus on data protection and following European data regulations. Companies and organisations benefit from the fact that AlfaView has a “room concept”, so it is a virtual illustration of an office, in which you can create [...]

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