
Februar 2023


2024-04-29T12:56:01+02:0010. Februar, 2023|

No free version available Learning: Intermediate WHAT IS ethis? Ethis is a Documentation and personnel management system for social institutions, with lots of possibilities with regards to the organisation of client communication. It has a clear structure and calendar & appointment functionality is included into the database. EXAMPLES You can use this tool as [...]


2024-04-29T12:55:33+02:0010. Februar, 2023|

No free version available Learning: Intermediate WHAT IS Melba? It is a tool for creating capability profiles in a standardised way. Since it is well adapted to the work of people with disabilities it is very useful to use in this area of expertise. A capability profile is used to document a person's capabilities. [...]

Easy NWK

2024-04-29T12:55:03+02:0010. Februar, 2023|

Free version available Learning: Beginner WHAT IS Easy NWK? It's an easy way to create digital social network maps. It's the digital adaption of an offline tool. EXAMPLES There is basically only one usecase, and that is to create a social networking map for/with your client. You get a good understanding of what the [...]

Google Classroom

2024-04-29T13:16:29+02:0010. Februar, 2023|

Free version available Learning: Intermediate WHAT IS Google Classroom? Google Classroom is a teaching and learning platform. This user-friendly tool helps teachers to manage courses, assess performance and enriches learning for students. EXAMPLES 1. We use Google Classroom for organising training modules with our clients. 2. Google Classroom is used in our tablet courses [...]


2024-04-29T13:16:00+02:0010. Februar, 2023|

Free version available Learning: Intermediate WHAT IS meistertask? Meistertask is an online tool for Task and Project Management. You can work together with colleagues online and create and share todolists. It is usable on smartphones, tablets and in the web browser. EXAMPLES Example 1: We increasingly use Meistertask to maintain coordination with the trainer [...]

Book Creator

2024-04-29T13:15:29+02:0010. Februar, 2023|

Free version available Learning: Beginner WHAT IS BOOK CREATOR? Book Creator is a creative opportunity for self-expression and to make presentations in the form of a book. The tool is very easy to use, but also very impactful. It's perfect for all age groups. EXAMPLES Example 1: In a group of trainees for a [...]

Microsoft Forms

2024-04-29T13:15:06+02:0010. Februar, 2023|

Free version available Learning: Intermediate WHAT IS Microsoft Forms? It is a tool for creating questionnaires, surveys and polls to collect feedback from a target audience (Employees, Participants, Clients, Companies). The survey created can then be shared as a link or QR code and also completed on smartphones. The results are shown in real-time [...]


2024-04-29T13:14:30+02:0010. Februar, 2023|

Free version available Learning: Intermediate WHAT IS Kahoot? It is a game-based learning platform with a fun and interactive approach free of charge. You can create evaluations of any subject like in a quiz with the objective of engaging the users by playing. It can be also used to organise debates, deliver presentations or [...]


2024-04-29T13:13:51+02:009. Februar, 2023|

Free version available Learning: Intermediate WHAT IS Trello? It is an online tool that helps to manage projects, organise workflows and track tasks with visual boards in a collaborative way. From the big milestones until the day-to-day tasks of working together, Trello allows the users to share any type of files (videos, photos, links, [...]


2024-04-29T13:12:33+02:009. Februar, 2023|

Free version available Learning: Intermediate WHAT IS MindMeister? MindMeister is an online mind mapping application that allows its users to visualise, share and present their thoughts via the cloud". These mindmaps can be shared publicly or others can be invited to collaborate. Changes can be tracked in real time. In addition, there are various [...]

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