travel training/ orientation

Februar 2023


2024-04-29T13:13:27+02:009. Februar, 2023|

Free version available Learning: Beginner WHAT IS STARS? STARS (School Transition to Adult Responsibilities and Services) is a website with information and resources for young people and their families/ caregivers. The content is related to the transition of leaving school and moving into adult life. The website stems from a project involving five partners [...]

Soy Cappaz

2024-04-29T13:17:28+02:007. Februar, 2023|

No free version available Learning: Beginner WHAT IS Soy Cappaz? The Soy Cappaz app helps people with intellectual disabilities to learn how to better cope with daily life. This app enhances independence through example (pre-recorded videos). It is categorized into four categories: I need help - Where am I? - My Work and My Calendar. EXAMPLES [...]

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